South American Jets is participating in (NBAA-BACE)

Business aviation biggest Convention & Exhibition

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is celebrating its annual Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition. The event, which has become a firm fixture in the annual calendar of the aviation industry, will be held Oct. 10-12, 2017, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Considered as one of the largest trade show in the United States, this year’s NBAA-BACE is bringing together leading figures in the industry, corporate executives, current and potential aircraft owners, manufacturers and customers from the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. As a pioneering company in Latin America’s business aviation, South American Jets is once again attending the convention. In this context, we aim to build stronger ties with our partners and the world’s largest manufacturers, based on our expansion plans and the projected growth of our region’s aeronautical sector for the next twenty years.

The NBAA-BACE is hosting an exhibit at the Las Vegas Convention Center, a static display of aircraft at Henderson Executive Airport and a wide range of important events for the aviation industry. It will also feature dozens of conferences covering topics of interest to guests, corporate executives and businesspeople attending this year’s convention. All those who have long relied upon charter flights or their own private jets to ensure their businesses’ success, or even those considering the use of private aircraft to fulfill their business needs, should attend conferences on safety standards, risk management, business aviation regulations and pilot training.

In other words, businesspeople interested in private aviation, or who are truly planning to enter this exclusive world, must attend the Tax Regulatory and Risk Management Conference to understand the core business aviation tax and regulations. The 2017 Single-Pilot Safety Stand-down, for its part, will show the most effective safety strategies for single-pilot operators. Sessions during this event are expected to share essential knowledge of risk management tactics and training methods. Finally, the conference on Careers in Business Aviation will bring together students and faculty members to take part in a round table discussion on college programming and opportunities, career paths, professional goals and how to best prepare for a rewarding career. Students will be granted the opportunity to connect directly with corporate executive and business aviation leaders to learn more about all the possibilities that private aviation offers.

In this context, at South American Jets we are prepared to present our expansion plans and contribute in forums and discussions by providing our critical review on the ground covered so far by Latin America’s aeronautical sector and long-term projections for the future.

Max Brog


South American Jets

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